We all love bringing our fuzzy friends to horse shows, but we have to keep them safe when they are on show grounds. I have heard, unfortunately, many horror stories of dogs getting run over because they were not taken care of properly. Often times dogs are used to running around barns off a leash because it is their home and are able to be more closely watched. At horse shows, however it is extremely important that all dogs be kept on a leash at all times! It is so dangerous for both horse and rider and the other people around if a dog were to randomly come sprinting through the warm up ring causing horses to spook and run away. And for the safety of your beloved pet, there are many, many large heavy duty vehicles that are moving around the show grounds and a loose pet runs the risk of being squished. Unfortunately, that is a real risk.
Again, if you want to bring your dog to the horse show, please keep them on a leash!!!
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