There are many different pieces of equipment you can use to help train your horse or to help keep them fit. Many people are opposed to equipment because they feel it can be too harsh, used in the wrong hands anything can be made abusive. Used correctly, however, training equipment can improve your horse's way of going. The saying "work smarter, not harder" comes to mind. Today we will be discussing the neck stretcher. This elastic attachment is to help encourage your horse's head down by putting pressure on their poll. The neck stretcher should be adjusted so when your horse moves their head into the correct position the elastic ropes relax and there is the relief of pressure. Your horse should also be able to have the freedom to reach their neck down and forward, stretching all the way through their back. The neck stretcher is a stationary piece of equipment, meaning it is not easily adjusted while riding. You would have to stop movement to change the tension in the elastic. Because of this it is important not to start out with the neck stretcher too tight, make sure you allow your horse plenty of warm up time before making it too tight.
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