1.) If you turn it on, turn it off when you are finished. Do you know how much it costs to light up that indoor arena? WAY more than it needs to if you accidentally leave the lights on overnight.
2.) If your horse poops, clean it up! Heck, if you see any poop, PICK IT UP! 3.) If you borrow someone else's equipment, clean it and give it back to them in better condition. 4.) I don't care if you used it or not, if you see something sitting out where it doesn't belong, put it away. 5.) Be early!!! To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is unacceptable. 6.) Take care of your horse before taking care of yourself after a ride. Don't you dare wander off with your horse sitting on the cross-ties still tacked up. 7.) If a horse looks funky, say something! Management might already know, but you might catch something before it's too late. 8.) Ask a horse's owner if they can have a treat before you shove your hand in their face. Some horses don't get many treats because they get pushy, some are allergic. Always ask! 9.) If a gate is closed when you use it, close it behind you. The last thing anyone needs is to go chasing a herd of horses down the road. 10.) If you bring guests to the barn you are responsible to make sure they behave in a proper way around the horses. 11.) Ask how you can help. There are always a million and one things to do around a barn and if you can help management in any way, you will help them focus on more complicated tasks.
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